has supported fifotrack DLT GPS tracker A500 and S50’s DLT protocol.
Here are the steps for testing:
1. Register a demo account
Login, click <Registration> in the right upper corner.
Click <create account>

Fill your email address, it will be used as account ID.
Then click <Register>, your will receive an email from GPS-server, including the login password.
Fill your email address as Username, and Password, click <Login>.
You can find the Server IP at the bottom, save it and will be used for tracker’s IP configuration.

2. Add fifotrack DLT GPS tracker A500 or S50 on the platform
Click <Add object>,

Fill any name, and device IMEI, click <Save>, device has been added successfully.

3. Configure device to connect GPS-server
The port for fifotrack DLT protocol is 10504.
Take IP as example, send below SMS commands to A500 or S50.
000000,B01,APN (Fill the exact APN instead of the word <APN>. Eg, 000000,B01,internet)
After configuration, place device outside to receive GPS signal, then will see device online.
Green icon means both GPS and GSM signal are valid.

4. Test with magnetic card reader to see driver ID on platform
Connect device with 12V external power, and make ACC on (Connect white cable with red).

Swipe with magnetic card reader, we can see driver ID in <rfid_data> field.

Click <History>, select the Object and Time range, click <Show>

We can see the history data log under <Message>- <Parameters>

GPS-server has fetched the Track#3 data, rfid_data=242000455200100
5. Add Driver function on platform

Click <Save>.
6. Match the driver ID with driver name

Fill the Driver Name and ID, click <Save>

The driver information has been added, we can add more driver information if any

Now we can see the driver information under <Data>

Click <RFID and iButton logbook>

We can see the driver’s log in/out information