What’s the fuel sensor accuracy? Below factors affect the fuel monitoring accuracy:
The fuel sensor itself accuracy under correct installation, it is stable, 98-99%
Calibration, the incorrect calibration process will reduce the fuel sensor accuracy
The GPS tracker analog input signal error rate is <±2%. This error rate is constant, so it can be eliminated by fuel sensor formula adjustment.
The quality of GPS tracker firmware algorithm. During the vehicle moving, the fuel level fluctuates, need the firmware of GPS tracker to deal with this situation, filter the fluctuations. All fifotrack models have built-in fuel filtration algorithm, that’s why we suggest use our own GPS tracker and fuel sensor solution together.
Data uploading time interval to platform. The principle is configuring short time interval like at 10 seconds under ACC on condition, setting long time interval or stop uploading data under ACC off condition. The platform has more meaningful data to deal with, the accuracy is higher.
The quality of platform algorithm to deal with the fuel data, especially the fuel filling/theft/consumption data, the platform need do lots of calculations. This part is out of the tracker and fuel sensor’s control.
The stability of external power. If the external power is not stable, on/off too frequently, the fuel sensor accuracy will be affected.
The fuel tank shape. Irregular size fuel tank need do height-capacity calibration, since the fuel tank height and the fuel capacity is not linear relationship.
Incorrect key information such as the fuel tank full capacity, the fuel tank shape size is regular or irregular.
What’s the fuel sensor accuracy if everything do correctly? Our answer is 97-98%
Below is the example about the comparison between fuel filling report and the actual filled fuel.